pronouns: she/her
birthday: june 12th, 2022
origin: hexed at rainbow roadhouse
favorite colors: brown
favorite flavors: beef
song: hard candy

friends: --

full name: peachpup/clearwater's hard candy
show points: --

caramel is a thylacine hexed by peachpup at rainbow roadhouse. as someone who deeply loves and sympathizes with thylacines (i did my college thesis on them), she was a big wishlist hexie!

caramel is not exactly the brightest bulb in the box. she's a bit timid around other petz, sometimes running in a random fit of terror when faced with unfamiliar faces. however, she sometimes makes attempts to socialize, but most of these attempts are not particularly successful -- for one, she sees wrestling as an appropriate activity for all, and has a tendency to tackle petz that are a fraction of her size. this obviously earns her the ire of others, and her confusion has led her to feel a sort of perpetual bitterness toward literally everyone despite her initial good intentions. that being said, caramel is simply one who thrives when she's by herself, and she doesn't seem to mind this either. she could spend eternity in the endless cycle of playing fetch until exhaustion takes hold, sleeping for hours, then right back to playtime.
