pronouns: she/her
birthday: september 30th, 2007
origin: adoption center + hexed here
favorite colors: pink
favorite flavors: cheese
song: see you again

friends: --

full name: clearwater's my heart can't rest
show points: --

cali is a creatively-named ac calico who was rescued off the hard drive of the old family laptop. after freeing her from her prison, i hexed on her to give her a much-needed makeover.

this pretty kitty may be one of the oldest in the crew, but there's nothing about her boundless energy that indicates such -- unless, you count the fact that she seems lost in the year 2007 with no sense of time passage. she gives off the vibes of a teenager typical of that era, with a love for glossy pink flip phones and a fashion sense cemented in the local mall's limited too. aside from her undeniable trendiness, cali is the kind of individual who claims to be a beacon of positivity and the epitomy of kindness...but the honest truth is that she is actually quite the chronic hater. she doesn't seem particularly patient with other petz, and certainly lets them know when they are grinding on her gears, even if they aren't really doing anything to warrant such a reaction. she's really just stuck in the mentality that she's the head of a popular girl clique and this gives her permission to judge others, but how can you possibly be in a clique if you're the only one in it?
