pronouns: he/they
birthday: january 30th, 2022
origin: bred and genexed at aida
favorite colors: red
favorite flavors: fish, soft things, water
song: gold rush

friends: --

full name: aida/clearwater's exotic butters
show points: 10

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butters is a genexed cat i adopted from sharon at aida. i'm unsure if he has brexing on top of the genexing, but either way he's very cute!

this laid-back cat cruises through life with an air of comfortable confidence. butters simply does not care what others think of him, and has mastered the art of blocking out the haters. however, his chillness does not exactly align with his humbleness, or rather lack thereof -- he's actually quite vain, and showing off with dramatic poses is one of his specialties. he also tends to be rather gluttonous, hogging food bowls and treats for himself while others watch with disdain. these two factors combined are reasonable explanation for his trickster trait, as performing tricks for a food reward seems like something right up his alley. overall, butters prefers to stay in his own lane, often ignoring the existence of others while basking in the glory of his own presence. he does like to wrestle occasionally, though.
