pronouns: she/they
birthday: september 29th, 2021
origin: bred here
favorite colors: red
favorite flavors: beef, bone
song: semi-charmed life

parents: autumn
siblings: kazetu
friends: --

full name: sgch clearwater's cicada season
show points: 42

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bug is one of the "mistake siblings" as i affectionately call them. she was the result of an accidental p5 litter between autumn and another dog -- because autumn has a plethora of unique recessive genes, the resulting three puppies were a surprising bunch, but bug specifically caught my attention with her pug face, which was completely out of nowhere (autumn has a gshep face, and the father was a tamsin, so...). though one of the mistake siblings was adopted out, i felt obligated to keep bug (and her sister, kazetu).

humble but ditzy, bug takes after her mother in personality. she's got a bit more overall stamina than autumn (despite being shaped like a potato) and enjoys a good bout of running around aimlessly before curling up for a power nap -- though, in exchange for this energy, it seems she did give up a portion of her brain cells and ability for cognitive thought. sometimes she just freezes and shoots a wall-eyed, thoughtless stare at nothing in particular. even so, bug is notorious for her popularity with other petz, and just naturally seems to make friends wherever her strangely shaped body walks.
