pronouns: he/him
birthday: may 3rd, 2021
origin: bred at amy's petz place
favorite colors: red, yellow
favorite flavors: beef, bone
song: dancing in the dark

partner: estella
children: emery

full name: mpwd/clearwater's dancing in the dark
show points: --

brutis was an mpa from amy at amy's petz place -- he was adopted as a puppy and was naturally raised.

this is a dog who is simply happy to be here above all else. friendly and amicable to all, brutis gives off the vibes of a slightly out of touch dad who tries his best to understand the current trends. he hasn't got much energy in the tank and tires out quite easily, but even his low stamina doesn't stop him from ceaselessly chasing the cursor for a good petting. he seems a bit socially awkward, but he does like to bring toys to other petz as a gesture of goodwill -- though, going ignored by the others seems to be an involuntary talent of his, so often his efforts are for naught.

there is, however, one dog who is certain to never ignore brutis, and that is his mate, estella. when together, brutis and estella are practically attached at the hip, oogling over each other almost constantly and sending any surrounding observers into a state of nausea. they have one son, emery, who they parade around as their pride and joy despite him being fully grown. though, sometimes they do seem to be more focused on each other than their kid...
