pronouns: they/them
birthday: february 22nd, 2022
origin: bred and brexed at polygondwanaland
favorite colors: blue, red
favorite flavors: beef, milk
song: hazy trip
friends: --
full name: gyiyg/clearwater's wet cardboard
show points: --
boxes is another brexed cat i adopted from gyiyg at polygondwanaland.
this unusual cat's hobbies include sleeping and acting like an upper class citizen. boxes is notorious for falling asleep despite having a full energy bar, regardless of whether or not they have been assigned the arduous task of babysitting. they always have this look of perpetual exhaustion on their face at any given moment as if their life force is being actively sapped from their body. boxes is also known for their grating pickiness when it comes to quite literally everything -- they hate clothes, and will throw a tantrum if anything is put on them, and they refuse to eat anything unless it is dog food or a bowl of milk. the sense of entitlement is bold coming from a cat who looks like they work at willy wonka's factory. but at least they're pretty okay otherwise. they like to lick other catz.