pronouns: they/them
birthday: june 20th, 2022
origin: bred and brexed at polygondwanaland
favorite colors: pink
favorite flavors: fish, milk, catnip, soft things, rocks (??)
song: on melancholy hill
friends: --
full name: gyiyg/clearwater's on melancholy hill
show points: --
boots is one of several brexed catz i adopted from gyiyg at polygondwanaland. i am a bit addicted to their brexes, after all.
this little fella is interesting in that they seem to change moods at the flip of a switch. one minute, they can be exceptionally friendly and a great deal of fun. the next, they'll be glaring with profound hatred at the same petz they had just been socializing with seconds before. boots doesn't really initiate fights, but they certainly have a way of letting others know that they do not approve of their presence. they're not the most playful, but they do have a tendency to hoard and guard toys, or simply pick one up and run around aimlessly with it -- sometimes this is all it takes to switch them back into their "nice" mode. another strange thing about boots is that one of their favorite flavors is listed as "rocks", and i don't know what this means. there aren't any edible rocks in game, but perhaps eating rocks is a secret form of therapy they partake in off-screen.