pronouns: she/they
birthday: april 4th, 2022
origin: hexed at fantazzled
favorite colors: green
favorite flavors: beef
song: inside out

friends: --

full name: fks/clearwater's tender heart in a blender
show points: --

blythe is a "tudor" dane given to me by xoops at fantazzled as part of a hex trade.

though she may be on the larger end of the scale compared to a lot of other petz, blythe is a little more timid than she looks. she is easily frightened by tricks and pranks, and sometimes runs around in random bursts of terror. however, she is incredibly sweet and friendly, trying her best to get along with others even if they don't particularly reciprocate her feelings of friendship. she can be a bit argumentative, occasionally getting into verbal spats with other petz, but it clearly makes her uncomfortable and she tends to disengage before a fight can break out. she is all about positive, calm vibes -- any sort of chaos makes her extremely upset, and she will not hesitate to tell off anyone ruining the zen!
