pronouns: they/them
birthday: october 21st, 2021
origin: hexed at litterzfactory
favorite colors: green
favorite flavors: fish, soft things
song: last friday night

friends: --

full name: lf/clearwater's catastrophic sugar high
show points: --

berry is a "strawberry cheesecake" chinchi that was given to me by arie at litterzfactory as part of a hex trade. as a strawberry cheesecake aficianado, this was obviously a wishlist hex.

to say berry has a few screws loose would be an understatement -- they live up exceptionally to the chinchi personality in that they are absolutely unhinged with no reins on their emotions. they are a certified agent of chaos, though it seems more involuntary than intentional, as if they are constantly running around on fire and accidentally lighting everything in their path in the process. truthfully, berry is fairly well-meaning and does not intend to cause trouble -- the problem is they don't realize that they are constantly causing trouble with their often explosive bouts of rage. in fact, berry tends to think of themself as the most normal individual in the room while everyone else is just a poser. berry is the main character, and the world revolves around them. interestingly, berry does great with younger petz, though they aren't exactly a great influence on their impressionable minds.
