pronouns: he/they
birthday: october 12th, 2022
origin: hexed at moon lake
favorite colors: yellow
favorite flavors: bone
song: across the sea

friends: --

full name: moon lake/clearwater's flowering city
show points: --

benizakura is an "exotic" bulldog created by pinto at moon lake, given to me as part of a trade. he was named after a character from the ginga series.

the stout and burly benizakura may look like an unstoppable force, but harmless teasing and sarcasm are the extent of his fearsomeness -- the truth is that he is nothing but a perpetually tired softie. he's not really old at all, but he certainly gives off the vibes of an exhausted but amicable elder who you'd talk about the weather with at ihop. rather than spending energy on playtime, benizakura finds joy in observing others play instead, fueled by the simplicity of a warm and friendly atmosphere. he's also a great babysitter -- when he's awake. as patient and caring he is for the little guys, he can't really be trusted not to fall asleep on the job.
