pronouns: he/him
birthday: august 20th, 2021
origin: bred at ratqueen kennelz and cattery
favorite colors: pink
favorite flavors: chicken
song: island in the sun
friends: --
full name: rkc/clearwater's not so fast, eager mcbeaver
show points: --
beaver was a pugs adoption from ratqueen at rkc, specifically an auction that i shed blood, sweat, and tears to win -- after all, how could i not splurge on such a unique-looking creature?
he may look like the canine equivalent of a body builder, but the truth is that beaver wants absolutely nothing to do with any form of physical exertion. he may sometimes get a random, five-second burst of energy, as if the dormant blood of his primal ancestors suddenly awakens in a desperate bid to get him moving, but there's nothing he loves more than sleeping, especially if it's in a position that looks horribly distorted to others. and, unfortunately, with a brain the size of a walnut, there's not really much going up in his head anyway besides the desire to sleep, the urge to bark angrily at auto rolling toys, and the constant image of the raw chicken bowl rotating endlessly in his mind. despite all of this, beaver is a well-meaning individual who enjoys spending time with others, even if his presence isn't particularly wanted. after all, he's known for randomly tackling other petz before dropping into a coma-like sleep as if nothing happened.