pronouns: he/they
birthday: november 27th, 2022
origin: hexed at rhopetz
favorite colors: yellow
favorite flavors: beef
song: saeglopur
friends: --
full name: rho/clearwater's nautical star
show points: --
aura is a "starfield" dali i received as a gift from rho at rhopetz, and was a wishlist hexie i was very excited to receive!
for as sophisticated as he looks, aura is admittedly not the brightest bulb in the box. on top of not really wrapping his head around new things or concepts, he lacks the confidence to really try branching out to begin with, sticking to the comfort of what he knows. though he is exceptionally lively and playful, though he prefers to play alone and often gets quite competitive and frustrated when it comes to sharing with others. he tolerates younger petz to some degree, but he loses patience quickly and doesn't seem to realize that you should probably give kids a chance with the stuffed animal. he tends to spend his energy all at once in a massive burst before completely losing steam and passing out on the ground. overall, he's an agent of chaos, but he likes to think of himself as anything but.